Disease Screening

We are a dedicated primary Care practice committed to improving the health of the community. HSSH provide high value and high-quality Primary Care Services by delivering safe, efficient, and effective care to the patients.


Early Detection

HSSH believe in Prevention. We focus on early detection of developing diseases and/or complications, because it results in higher rate of care management success.


Why Screening is important?

Screening can make a huge difference by improving health and quality of life.

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Increase your likelihood to succeed in your quest to unlock your Personal Well-being with health screening.

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Get Screened

There is a large array of screening test available. We will identify those recommended for you, offer them to you and will guide you through your decision.

  • Certain types of Cancer Screening
    • Breast Cancer, Colon Cancer, Prostate Cancer, Lung Cancer, Cervical Cancer, Etc..
  • Screening for Osteoporosis or weak bone
  • Screening for Sexually Transmitted Infections
  • Screening for High Blood Pressure
  • Screening for High Cholesterol
  • Screening for Diabetes
  • Screening for viral Liver infection
  • Screening for Mental Health conditions
    • Depression and Anxiety
  •  Etc…